讲座预告|细筑宏图:细节的力量——Martin Arfalk

2024/11/25    阅读量:



Building the Big Picture: TheImpact of Details



Wednesday, November 6, 2024




First Floor Grand Staircase,

Xi‘an Eurasia University Art and Design School



An exploration of thedesign process, following the journey from concept development to realizationthrough analysis, testing, and attention to detail. This journey highlights theimportance of connecting larger-scale contexts and landscapes with specificsite elements, demonstrating how these relationships influence and informdesign decisions.



Martin Arfalk

Martin Arfalk是Mandaworks的创始合伙人,曾任瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学客座教授,瑞典农业科学大学课程负责人,瑞典皇家理工大学客座教授,荷兰爱因霍芬设计学院客座教授,瑞典隆德大学城市动力学设计课程负责人。Martin在2008至2017年之间,数次带领MW团队共同为隆德大学可持续城市设计国际硕士项目的学生策划、组织与展开国际工作坊合作、设计研学活动与设计项目实践等一系列教学工作。作为一位经验丰富的城市设计与公共空间设计师,Martin拥有对不同地域、文化背景、场地条件下的设计项目丰富的处理与设计经验。在Martin与合伙人Patrick的带领下,MW团队为我们的客户提供高品质的城市空间营造方案,在世界各地斩获了众多获奖项目,并在设计方案中融入Mandaworks对城市与景观融合的独到见解。其最新设计作品包括瑞典斯德哥尔摩近年来规模最大的开发项目之一 — 皇家海港片区城市设计中标深化方案(瑞典规划设计奖提名),德国汉堡Grasbrook滨水区城市设计中标深化方案,瑞典乌普萨拉商务园城市设计中标深化方案,加拿大麦吉尔大道设计(WLA荣誉提名奖)以及在中国的重庆万州江湾新城概念规划及总体城市设计优胜奖方案,和霞客湾科学城战略规划与概念性城市设计一等奖方案等。

Martin Arfalk is a founding partner of Mandaworks, and has served as a visiting professor at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, a course leader at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, a visiting professor at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, a visiting professor at the Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands, and a course leader for the Urban Dynamics Design program at Lund University in Sweden. Between 2008 and 2017, Martin led the MW team on several occasions to plan, organize, and carry out international workshops, design research activities, and practical design projects for students of the International Master's Program in Sustainable Urban Design at Lund University.As an experienced urban designer and public space designer, Martin has a wealth of experience in handling and designing projects with different regional, cultural backgrounds, and site conditions. Under the leadership of Martin and his partner Patrick, the MW team provides our clients with high-quality urban space creation plans, has won numerous award-winning projects around the world, and incorporates Mandaworks' unique insights into the integration of urban and landscape design into their design schemes. Their latest design works include the urban design of the Royal Seaport area, one of the largest development projects in Stockholm, Sweden in recent years (nominated for the Swedish Planning and Design Award), the urban design of the Grasbrook waterfront area in Hamburg, Germany (winning the bid for deepening the scheme), the urban design of the Uppsala Business Park in Sweden (winning the bid for deepening the scheme), the design of McGill Avenue in Canada (honorable mention award from WLA), and the concept planning and overall urban design of Wanzhou Jiangwan New City in Chongqing, China (winning the award), and the first prize for the strategic planning and conceptual urban design of the Xiake Bay Science City, among others.